What is Family Fare Rewards?

Family Fare Rewards is a free loyalty program for Family Fare and Caroco branded convenience stores.

What is my Alt ID, and how do I find it?

Your Alt ID is 33 followed by the phone number you used when you created your Family Fare Rewards account. You can find your Alt ID in the app at any time by tapping the barcode icon in the top right corner of the home screen.

How do I earn and redeem rewards at a Family Fare location?

Scan the barcode in your Family Fare Rewards app or enter 33 + your Alt ID at checkout to earn product discounts, free items, and more.

How do I find a Family Fare near me?

Navigate to the “Stores” tab on the bottom bar of the app to find the nearest Family Fare, along with a map of all Family Fare locations.

Where can I see my club progress?

You can view club progress in the “Rewards” section of the app.

Which locations participate in Family Fare Rewards?

All Family Fare and Caroco locations participate in Family Fare Rewards.